As a dedicated housing advocate for the past decade, I stand unwavering in my commitment to ending homelessness. With a profound understanding of the pressing issues at hand, my top priority is to spearhead the creation of more affordable housing options. Coupled with a steadfast determination to expand and enhance mental health services, I believe that these concerted efforts are crucial in guaranteeing that every individual has a place to call home.”

-- Laura Richardson

About Laura

Laura Richardson was born and raised primarily in the 35th Senate District.

At the age of two, her parents divorced, leaving her mother alone to raise two daughters on a limited salary.

After Laura’s mother secured a job as an accountant for a Teamster represented company, her family learned firsthand about the value and importance of unions, organizing, fair wages, and health benefits. Because of her mother’s job, Laura was able to participate in after-school programming, get the braces she needed, and her family could afford to go on occasional summer vacations.


Senate District 35 Communities

San Pedro, Wilmington, Carson, Compton, Gardena, Hawthorne, Inglewood, Lawndale, Los Angeles, Alondra Park, Del Aire, Dominguez, E. Compton, Florence, La Rambla, Lennox, W. Athens, W. Carson, W. Compton, Willowbrook, Harbor City, Harbor Gateway, Watts, Westchester.